Cliff turner
“Sussex Bluff”, Oil on Canvas, 5’ x 5’, $9600
cliff turner
Cliff Turner moved with his family to Toronto, at age nine from his native South Africa. A watercolour gift set just before departure fostered a love for painting that remains today.
At the University of Toronto, Cliff finished his degree in Fine Art with high honours and recognition for his work. Compelling compositions and technical expertise in the application of paint are still a major focus of his work today.
After completing a BFA, and a BEd, the desire to spend more time at painting led him to the Maritimes. Saint John, New Brunswick, with its nineteenth century architecture provided plenty of inspiration, and studio space. In addition to local success, tourism in the Port City has placed his work in important collections in California, Toronto, Tokyo, and New York.
Teaching one semester of art at the University of New Brunswick, Cliff now devotes the majority of his time to painting. He has a studio in the historic Trinity Royal district.